The Irreparable Damages That May Be Caused Due to Dental Malpractice

While some dental malpractice cases are not that severe, and the patient is lucky to get off easy, some other cases can have effects that will make the patient suffer for an entire lifetime. In fact, according to dentist negligence injury attorney Dane Levy, death due to dental malpractice is also not unheard of.
Cases of dental malpractice are countless and varied. But here are some of the more common permanent damages caused by it:
Extraction of a healthy tooth: A dentist failing to detect the affected tooth or performing the procedure on the wrong tooth can require extraction.
Loss of taste: Nerve damage during a procedure is extremely common. This is because many dental equipments are sharp and dangerous. Placing them in the wrong spot can damage the oral nerves in the tongue and cause lifetime loss of taste.
Hallucinations and dementia: Excessive use of anesthesia has reportedly caused hallucinations and dementia in many patients. Sometimes these are permanent.
Paralysis of mouth: Another side effect of nerve damage can be partial or complete paralysis of the facial muscles. This can lead to being unable to speak and even chew.
Cancer progression: If the dentist fails to diagnose oral cancer, it can lead to the progression of cancer without any suppression treatment. Sometimes the wrong diagnosis is given, which can make the side effects worse.
Disability and/or coma: Excessive use of anesthesia can cause disability for the patient. There are also instances when the patient goes into a deep coma. It’s clear that dental malpractice can lead to irreparable damages for the patient. That’s why OC dental malpractice attorney Dane Levy says to never take it lightly. If you’ve become a victim of this unfortunate case, then you can contact Dane Levy of the Levy Law Firm for consultation.