Book Review: Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue

This is a section from the book “Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue that discusses how humans are sometimes so unhappy with their lives. What prevents this individual from making changes so they will have the wonderful life they desire? Whether or not you are happy today is a choice you are making for yourself.
What Prevents You from Living in Joy?
Every human health condition is the result of powerful emotions or difficulties that have not been appropriately addressed. Fear, for example, hurts the kidneys, depression harms the lungs, and rage harms the liver. Traditional Chinese medicine has confirmed all of this. However, you must make the decision to be change.
What is it that makes you unhappy? Is it because we have an excessive number of desires or needs? No, the issue is that we don’t know how to change our lives. We have a tendency to believe that someone else will make us happy. We frequently mistakenly believe that obtaining a large sum of money will make us happy.
You must learn how to safeguard your personal power. We have the option of being happy or miserable. It is entirely up to you how you react when people do something to you. It is possible to change one’s response. Learn to guide and control your energy flow. Allow no one to tell you how you should feel or whether you should be happy today.
This is a quote from the book Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue:
“The pattern of the past can never bring a new present life. Instead of being doomed to repeat the cycles in crushing defeats, why not just shake off the shackles of old thinking to create a totally new life style for the world?”